
Best Construction Software for Small Construction Companies

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Managing a construction project can be a challenging task, and with so many moving parts, it can quickly become overwhelming. Luckily, there are several project management software solutions available in the market to help streamline the process. In this blog post, we’ll discuss some of the best construction project management software solutions for small and mid-sized construction companies.



Upgrade SureTrak and Primavera Contractor

If you’re using SureTrak or Primavera Contractor to manage your construction projects, you may want to consider upgrading to more advanced project management software. Both software solutions have been discontinued by their manufacturers and are no longer supported. Upgrading to newer software, such as Microsoft Project, can help you manage your projects more efficiently and effectively.

Powerproject Affordable Construction Scheduling

Powerproject is a comprehensive construction project management software solution that offers a wide range of features and tools to help you manage your projects. Powerproject is affordable, easy to use, and offers powerful scheduling capabilities, which make it a popular choice for small and mid-sized construction companies. With Powerproject, you can create and manage Gantt charts, track project progress, and collaborate with your team.

Buy Powerproject from a Certified Reseller

When purchasing Powerproject, it’s essential to buy from a certified reseller to ensure that you’re getting the genuine software and professional support. As a Powerproject USA certified distributor, our company provides not only the software but also the expertise and professional services needed to help you get the most out of the software.

Easy to Learn BIM

Building Information Modeling (BIM) has become an increasingly popular tool in the construction industry. BIM software solutions such as Autodesk Revit and Trimble SketchUp can help you create 3D models of your construction projects, allowing you to visualize your project and detect any potential issues before construction begins. BIM software is easy to learn and use, making it an excellent solution for small and mid-sized construction companies.

Powerproject Free Trial

Before purchasing any construction project management software, it’s a good idea to try it out first to see if it meets your needs. Powerproject offers a free trial, which allows you to test the software before making a purchase. The free trial includes all the features and tools available in the full version, giving you a good idea of the software’s capabilities and how it can help your business.


In conclusion, several project management software solutions are suitable for small and mid-sized construction companies. By upgrading from old software like SureTrak and Primavera Contractor to newer, more advanced software like Microsoft Project, you can manage your projects more efficiently. Powerproject is an affordable and easy-to-use software solution that offers powerful scheduling capabilities. BIM software like Autodesk Revit and Trimble SketchUp can help you visualize your project and detect potential issues before construction begins. Finally, be sure to try out any software solution with a free trial to make sure it’s a good fit for your business. 

As a Powerproject USA certified distributor, our company can help you get started with the right software and support.