Keeping your P6 project schedule up to date and in sync with the physical state of your project is as important as and maybe more so than creating your P6 baseline schedule. An inaccurate and out-of-sync schedule update cannot be properly updated. Updating your schedule is a multi-teared process.
Office & Stakeholder Decisions Work to be performed in P6

Far too often items in this process are overlooked causing your P6 schedule update to be less than complete or accurate. This will cause your updating process to be less and less accurate update after each update. Eventually, your schedule will become far from your physical project and meaningless. Do not let this happen too your project you.
In most cases, you have two sources of information to first Status (actual field information) and then fully update your schedule with your forward plan. Verbal information comes from your field management and written factual information from project daily diaries (contemporaneous information).